Just hanging out with his number one muggle!

If I had my way, Max would be named Harry Potter. I wouldn’t be ashamed to be outside playing, calling out “Go fetch Harry Potter, Sit Harry potter, Give me your paw Harry Potter, Who’s a good boy??? You are Harry Potter!!!!” No, I wouldnt be ashamed, I would be very proud and would yell it louder just so everyone would know that “yes my dog is cool enough to have the noble name, Harry Potter.”

However, Matt laid his foot down and said NO! (He just doesnt understand) 

Yes I am that obsessed with Harry Potter. When the seventh book came out, I locked myself away in the bedroom savouring over every word that was on the page. I didnt eat or pee that day. I felt depressed when I turned that final page, because it was like my very best friends were leaving me for forever. Never again would I get to come home and curl up on the couch and go on NEW adventures with them.

The great thing about books is once they are finished, you can turn around and read them all over again. I have now read the Harry Potter series ten times over.

Saturday night, since the men were on thier fishing trip, I had girls night. It started off with little food at a resturant and alot of drinks. Then bar hoping for a few more drinks. Girls night did not end till 6 am Sunday morning. Because when girls get together, girls talk. When girls get together and you throw in some alcohol, girls talk and talk and talk and talk.

So after finally falling asleep at 6:01 am and waking up four hours later to puppy kisses, you can bet that I felt like a bucket of assholes ran over twice.  

This feeling stayed with me all day and at about 3:00 I turned on the tv and there was a Harry Potter marathon going on. If my head hadn’t hurt so bad I would of squeeled with glee and did a little dance. So as I got swept up in the “Chamber of Secrets” movie, I thought, God is a very nice man. He knew I was suffering and he sent me this glorious gift of being reunited with my friends.

I took a quick nap during the movie and dreamt I was playing quidditch with Harry and Ron. When I woke up “The Prizoner of Azkanban” had just started. When it was at the part where Harry is waiting for the knights bus, and he sees the dog, Max stopped dead in his tracks. Cuz he to had seen “the grim”.

Max jumped on the bed and propped himself in front of the T.V. and I shit you not, he watched the movie with me.

I then realised that yes God is super nice cuz he made this marathon happen, but he is also incredibly awesome, because he gave Max to me and Max likes Harry Potter. So take that Matt, in secret Max wants to be called Harry Potter.

I took this picture with my camera phone of Max being sucked in to the wizarding world.


1 Comment

  1. March 7, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    It does not suprise me that max is interested by Harry Potter – coz everyone else in the world seems to be – especially my family! Unfortunately all the Harry potter merchandise is so expensive in the UK so it will cost me severely when this movie is released in the UK!

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